Story Archaeology

Chris Thompson and Isolde Carmody from Story Archaeology will be joining us.We are incredibly happy to be able to welcome them both to Ardagh as they offer a unparalleled insight into the depth of the original text and its local connections.With their usual mix of performance and banter, based on close analysis of the text Chris and Isolde will bring something very special to the weekend.

Working together on various projects since 1998, they have been exploring the concept of story as archaeology since 2000.  In fact, they had long been trying to compile their discoveries into book form. In an archaeological dig, no trench, no site can ever be considered to be completely explored.  There is always more to discover.  So it is with the stories.  Every time we return to them, we open a fresh line of enquiry.
Eventually, they realised that a podcast and a supporting blog would allow them the open-ended, ongoing process they required.  Here is a book they can keep growing and changing.
As they have always done, they are happy to give talks, host discussions and facilitate workshops inspired by Irish mythology, and other connected topics.

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